Wang, Po-Chi guided students to create micro films as auxiliary teaching materials for crime prevention

April 22, 2013: Associate Professor Wang, Po-Chi guided students to create micro films as auxiliary teaching materials for crime prevention
Release date: 113-04-22
Last updated: 113-04-22
Number of data views: 106
An associate professor in the Department of Criminal Justice of Ming Chuan University cooperates with our college to teach psychology courses in the 112th academic year of the Department of Crime Prevention and Control of Ming Chuan University. He focuses on criminal psychology in teaching and guides students CHU,LI-CHI, CHENG,MAN-I, CHEN,YU-CHIEH, FANG,I-CHIAO, CHEN,YING-YU.The micro-movie “Riding a bicycle after drinking, you will be fined” co-created by five students , and the “Microfilm” co-created by six students including TSAI,MENG-HSUAN, YANG,CHU-TING, HSIEH,HE, CHEN,PIN-CHEN, YEH,MEI and HSU,YA-TING “National anti-fraud, let’s work together” micro-movies. The above two micro-movies were selected by our academy and are of great value in crime prevention and legal education.

The above works, after the students agreed to provide them to the government free of charge as auxiliary teaching materials for crime prevention and legal education, have been linked to the audio-visual classroom area of the official website of the “Crime Prevention Research Center” of our college for the government and all walks of life to download and use. In addition to presenting Associate Professor Wang with a certificate of appreciation, our college also asked him to present a certificate of appreciation on behalf of the college to thank Associate Professor Wang and encourage students for their support of crime prevention education.

Links to micro-film works: “Riding a bicycle after drinking, you will be fined”, “National anti-fraud, let’s join together”

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