Teacher Wang, Po-Chi was interviewed by Mirror News

Teacher Wang, Po-Chi was interviewed by Mirror News: The gunman voluntarily surrendered after the breaking point, and the police did not rule out the possibility of hiding the “real murderer” behind the scenes | # Mirror News Number of views: 78 times June 26, 2024 Continue to track this shooting. The gunman surnamed Gao lives in Neihu, Taipei, but the …

Teacher Wang, Po-Chi receives an interview from CTWANT

Teacher Wang, Po-Chi receives an interview from CTWANT: anime Disturbance 2/”iWIN Event” Disturbance has not been settled. Scholars can learn from Japan’s mature experience Reporter: CHUEH,CHING-LUN 2024-06-21 06:00 At the beginning of the year, iWIN Network Content Protection Agency notified online platforms to remove virtual creative content on suspicion of violating the “The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and …

The first book in Taiwan titled “Introduction to Criminal Justice” was published

The first book in Taiwan titled “Introduction to Criminal Justice” was published, which combines the wisdom of scholars such as Ming Chuan, Central Police University, Chung Cheng University 2024-06-18 Editor | CHEN,JUI-PIN Ming Chuan Weekly Issue 1201 SDG16 Peace, Justice, and Powerful Institutions, SDG17 promotes the partnership of goals, SDG4 Quality Education, Offensive prevention system The first comprehensive book on …

“Introduction to Criminal Justice” new book publication conference

On the afternoon of June 14, 2024, the “Introduction to Criminal Justice” new book publication conference, jointly organized by the Department of Criminal Justice at Ming Chuan University, Central Police University, and Taiwan Police College, was successfully held at the Taiwan Police College. The book was co edited by teachers Tsai,Te-Hui Chair Professor, Chuen-Jim Sheu Visiting Professor, Huang, Fu-Yuan Chair …

The Department of Criminal Justice at Ming Chuan University Alumni’s Outstanding List

The Department of Criminal Justice at Ming Chuan University Alumni’s Outstanding List of National University Doctoral Classes for the 113 Academic Year June 12, 2024 Editor | CHEN,JUI-PIN Ming Chuan Weekly Issue 1200, SDG4 Quality Education, the Department of Criminal Justice 【 This Magazine News 】 Graduate students from The Department of Criminal Justice at Ming Chuan are applying for …

Principal Shen Petty very thoughtfully prepared gifts and red envelopes for HU,PEI-SHAN, wishing her a bright future

Before Director Chang, Kuang-Ming took over as the head of the Chair of Criminal Justice Department three years ago, Principal SHEN, PEI-DI instructed that HU,PEI-SHAN, a student who was already studying in this department, had applied to an American university when she graduated from high school. However, due to the cold weather, she chose the Department of Criminal Justice at …

Teacher Wang, Po-Chi was interviewed by “CCTV 60 Minutes”

Teacher Wang, Po-Chi was interviewed by “CCTV 60 Minutes”: Scams are rampant, but the ringleaders cannot be caught. Has Taiwan really become a paradise for scammers? │ CTV News 20240603 “CCTV 60 Minutes” Fraud is rampant, but the ringleader cannot be caught. Has Taiwan really become a paradise for fraud?│CCTV News 20240603 Number of views: 11,453 times June 3, 2024 …