President Tsai,Te-Hui was interviewed by UDN

President Tsai,Te-Hui was interviewed by UDN: The favorite department of high school students is the Department of Criminal Justice.

He is the driving force behind the three university departments. The favorite department of high school students is the Department of Criminal Justice. He is the driving force behind the three university departments. 2024-04-14 08:37 United Daily News Newspaper/Reporters CHIU,SHU-YU and LI,CHENG-YING /Taipei Instant Report

Former president of the Police University and current chair professor of the Department of Criminal Justice of Ming Chuan University, has a group of old classmates who have known each other for more than 70 years. They work hard on their own life tracks and do not forget to encourage each other. In recent years, juvenile crimes have been frequent. Tsai,Te-Hui analyzed it through research and his own experience. The childhood stage has an extremely important impact on a person’s personality development, and it is even the cornerstone of life development. The entire society should be concerned about it and do its best to help. The university website announced that the Department of Criminal Justice is the most popular department among high school students this year, and it has occupied the top spot for many years. There are three cradle of crime prevention and control talents in Taiwan, namely Police University, National Chung Cheng University and Ming Chuan University. There is a dedicated person behind them all. An important promoter of the prevention and control of juvenile delinquency is Tsai,Te-Hui, who has been the president of the Police University for five consecutive years. He has been teaching for 50 years this year. Tsai,Te-Hui has a group of classmates who have been friends for more than 70 years since childhood, including famous doctors, diplomats, entrepreneurs and professors in various fields. They went to kindergarten,
Putzu Primary School, Chiayi Senior junior high school and high school, and they continued to keep in touch even after retirement. Annual Alumni Association is held to maintain camaraderie. Tsai,Te-Hui said that the Department of Criminal Justice studies the ecology, environment, culture and family education of teenagers, which can lead teenagers to a completely different future. He and his classmates are good examples; he studied in the United States twice at public expense, returned to Taiwan to teach, and served as a He is a national policy advisor until he is nearly 80 years old. These friends have supported him in all aspects of his life, and they also carry irreplaceable memories. He said that family, school, environment and peers have a great influence on people’s growth. “Not only have we not become bad, these peers have also become my role models and motivation to move forward.” He hopes to let more people understand through his own experience. The importance of environment to adolescents. Talking about teenagers who have gone astray, Tsai,Te-Hui said that usually teenagers from the lower class aspire to achieve the living standards or goals of the middle and upper classes, but are limited by their own conditions, resulting in frequent failures in competition in school or in society, inner frustration and difficulty in adapting. However, one person cannot solve the problem, so a gang is formed. “The biggest trouble is the problem of inadaptability caused by frustration in status.” He believes that there is little encouragement from parents or teachers, so the short-sightedness only pursues immediate pleasure and satisfaction without long-term planning or goals. Tsai,Te-Hui also said that the pattern of anti-social behavior among teenagers often changes. They are not as professional as adult criminals. Sometimes theft is not necessarily to obtain items, but just to show off their courage and gain prestige, and it is not based on utilitarianism. But a malicious resistance. He said that young people who engage in illegal activities receive lighter penalties, and the cost and cost of becoming a gang member are low. They can grow the organization and continue gang activities. These are all reasons why gangs attract young people.

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