Teacher Lin, Leo S.F. delivered a special report at the “Let’s Fight Fraud International Press Conference”

On May 16, 2024, Teacher Lin, Leo S.F. delivered a special report at the “Let’s Fight Fraud International Press Conference” co-sponsored by 14 public associations including the Taiwan Public Service Advertising Association. 14 public associations, including the Taiwan Public Service Advertising Association, co-sponsored the “Let’s Combat Fraud International Press Conference” (United Media) Fraud is not a matter of stance, it is a criminal act that must be stopped, so “fight” is used instead of “anti.” Called by the Taiwan Public Service Advertising Association and co-sponsored by 14 public service associations, the “Let’s Fight Fraud International Press Conference” was held this morning (16th) in the 3B conference room of the National Taiwan University Alumni Hall. Together with the people, “You can, let us They can’t”. LAI,TUNG-MING, the founding chairman, also came to the scene to express his support. In his opening speech, WU,CHIN-SHENG, chairman of the Taiwan Public Service Advertising Association, put forward five initiatives: 1. Do not harm the victim twice. 2. It is expressly stipulated that those who report the crime must be rewarded. 3. For reporting whistleblowers throughout the year, the bonus shall not be less than 50%. 4. If the defrauded person’s money passes through the banking system, based on the responsibility of a good manager, the bank must bear half of it, and the defrauded person must bear half of it. This is worthy of discussion. 5. Tools of crime, such as a house used as a computer room, must be confiscated. It’s also worth discussing. At the same time, legislator WU,CHUN-CHENG, 4A Taipei Advertising Operators Association Chairman CHENG,HUAI-CHANG, AMT Asia Pacific Marketing Digital Transformation Alliance Education Director HUANG,YEN-LING, MAA Taipei Media Service Agents Association Chairman LU,JEN-JUI, TAAA Taipei Advertising Agency Business Association Chairman LU,PING-HSUN, TWHRCA Taiwan Human Rights and Culture Association Chairman LI,CHIEN-CHI, TAA Taiwan Advertisers Association Project Deputy Secretary-General LIN,FANG-YU, and representatives of various trade associations shared their views on anti-fraud in their respective fields. The special report specially invited Dr. Lin, Leo S.F, assistant professor of the Department of Criminal Justice at Ming Chuan University, and Dr. KAO,WEI-PANG, a long-term anti-fraud advocate, to share the overview and trends of fraud crimes and anti-fraud strategies. Lin, Leo S.F said, “Anti-fraud is the common language of the world, and fraud prevention is the common aspiration of the people.” In terms of anti-fraud strategies, the government has strengthened the crackdown through legislation, law amendments, policy formulation and other means, and has exerted originality to continue to ” Propose effective and pragmatic innovative methods in aspects such as “technology application”, “legal supervision”, “publicity” and “cross-department cooperation”. KAO,WEI-PANG believes that providing bonuses can change the phone fraud ecosystem! When receiving a scam call, the public is advised not to hang up the phone in order to obtain the head account and provide evidence to the police. Even poor acting skills can consume a lot of criminals’ time. The government should provide bonuses to people who obtain the head account of the fraud group. As a result, ending phone scams is no longer within reach. The co-organizers of this event are: AC Taiwan Public Service Advertising Association, TAA Taiwan Advertisers Association, DMA Taiwan Digital Media Application and Marketing Association, AMT Asia Pacific Marketing Digital Transformation Alliance Association, TIPRA Taiwan International Public Relations Association, IAA International Advertising Association Taipei Branch, TAAA Taipei Advertising Agency Business Association, MAA Taipei Media Service Agents Association, 4A Taipei Advertising Operators Association, ABC Media Audit and Certification Association of the Republic of China, DEAT Taiwan Digital Platform Economic Association, TWHRCA Taiwan Human Rights and Culture Association, TADA Taiwan Design Association, FRA Fuhe Association.

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