Teacher Wang, Po-Chi was interviewed by PTV News

Teacher Wang, Po-Chi was interviewed by PTV News: The lawyer of the fraud group leaked secrets about the case, and the judge of Taiwan Ciaotou District Court was involved in helping to hide cash

Release time: 2024-05-17 19:31 Update time: 2024-05-17 20:42
Lawyer CHENG,HUNG-WEI was suspected of colluding with a fraud group, and now there is an out-of-case case. A judge named SHIH from the Ciaotou District Court was also suspected of being involved in the fraud group. He was suspected of helping to hide 3 million in cash and also hid the money in the judge’s office. On the 17th, prosecutors mobilized to search the Ciaotou District Court, the judges’ dormitory and other places, and brought people back for questioning. As for the judge surnamed SHIH, who is suspected of being involved in a criminal case, the Ciaotou District Court expressed its full cooperation and has also sent it to the Judge Evaluation Committee for evaluation to clarify whether there is any administrative violation.
The Ciaotou District Court was restless early in the morning. For the first time in its history, it was searched by an anti-corruption officer. It turned out that a judge named SHIH was suspected of hiding a huge sum of 3 million for a fraud group. It was even revealed that the place where the money was hidden was in the judge’s office. On the 17th, all prosecutors and prosecutors were mobilized to search the courts, judges’ dormitories and other places, and bring people back for interviews.
Chen Junjie, president of the Ciaotou District Court, said, “If the prosecutor needs the cooperation of this court, this court will fully cooperate. The Judges’ Self-Discipline Committee of this court conducted a review yesterday and decided to recommend the Judges Evaluation Committee for evaluation.”
Not only was he suspected of helping to hide money, but an internal investigation by the Ciaotou District Court also found that Judge SHIH had repeatedly improperly investigated and handled unrelated cases.
Even though he had voluntarily admitted that before taking office, he paid 100,000 legal fees to lawyers involved in the fraud group on behalf of his friends, he kept all other incidents hidden. This time, after the whole case was exposed, the president of the judiciary was even more concerned.
Judicial Yuan spokesperson CHEN,TING-YU said, “The president also takes it very seriously. In addition to asking the Ciaotou District Court to conduct an internal investigation on this matter, he also asked the Political Affairs Office.”
Jui-Lung Cheng, a member of the Judge Evaluation Committee, questioned, “It seems that although he is not the core involved, he has been involved in these illegal interests of the fraud group. Is it really a temporary loan, or is it to be sent away? To him? Then he had previously reported that he helped send 100,000 yuan, but now it is found to be 3 million yuan. Does 3 million yuan have anything to do with 100,000 yuan?”
Judge SHIH’s many controversies all spread from this case. His lawyer friend Zheng Hongwei was suspected of colluding with a fraud group. After he was prosecuted, a series of out-of-case cases broke out.
In addition to the judge being involved in the controversy, prosecutors are also accused of plotting behind the scenes; in addition, police officers are also suspected of leaking secrets; other fraud groups even provide teachings and war codes to avoid detection.
Wang, Po-Chi, associate professor at the Department of Criminal Justice at Ming Chuan University, pointed out, “What we are seeing now are individual cases. We are worried that it will become a group in the future. If there is related collusion, there will be supernatural powers and evil spirits.”
This evil trend of fraud has infiltrated law enforcement officials, police, prosecutors, and judges in an attempt to catch them. This time, I’m afraid it’s not an isolated case. There are still unexploded bombs. If the judicial circle also falls and becomes a gangster, it will not only damage the image, but also make fraud and crime more vulnerable.

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