Teacher Wang, Po-Chi was interviewed by United Daily News

Teacher Wang, Po-Chi was interviewed by United Daily News: The video of the knife wielding in the CHENG,CHIEH train was widely circulated, and experts were worried about the copycat effect.

2024-05-22 01:27 Lianhe Daily/Reporters Yuan Zhihao, Yu Caiying, Zhao Rongxuan
/Online reporting

After the CHENG,CHIEH random murder case occurred in Taipei MRT ten years ago, not only did some people set up fan groups to praise it, but it also triggered a series of imitations. A man surnamed Hong brandished a knife and injured someone in a Taichung MRT train. All MRT companies and the police are doing their best to prevent imitations. The criminal appears. Wang, Po-Chi, associate professor at the Department of Criminal Justice at Ming Chuan University, said that people on the margins of society are more likely to be stimulated and have imitative effects, and people with unhealthy personalities are also more likely to be stimulated by negative messages and take action. We should pay more attention to children with special needs, allow them to have an outlet for their emotions, and avoid venting them. in others.

“I’m very worried about repeated news broadcasts…” Wang, Po-Chi said that the continuous broadcast of criminal images may have a repetitive and reinforcing stimulation effect, and even lead to wrong identification or worship of heroes, which will lead to a series of imitation incidents. It is recommended that the media should also embed correct information when reporting news. towards the concept.

Wang, Po-Chi said that the man surnamed Hong chose to commit the crime on the same day ten years after CHENG,CHIEH committed the crime, which makes people reasonably suspect a copycat effect, but upon closer inspection, it is not exactly the same; medication or stress may be the reason for Hong’s “emotions”, but Because venting may hurt other people in society, please pay attention to prevention.

He said that patients with mental illness tend to become younger, and the government should establish a mental health screening mechanism and arrange for people to test their physical and mental status while fully protecting their personal information from being leaked to avoid stigmatization; perhaps preliminary screening can be done at the time of enrollment. After entering the society, through the assistance programs provided by companies or service units, and supplemented by social safety nets, it is possible to catch these potential stressors. Of course, we must explore the real reasons for the crime. Increased negative thoughts and extreme words and deeds are all precursors, and it is important to prescribe the right medicine.

LIN,PEN-TANG, a psychiatrist in Taichung, said that patients with mental illness can take a ride and buy things normally, just like normal people, but their consciousness will be controlled by mental symptoms such as delusions and auditory hallucinations. He believes that if patients with mental illness do not receive proper treatment, they may develop symptoms and even engage in self-injurious or injurious behaviors. The best approach is for society, public health, and families to care for them, and also to track and plan treatment throughout their lives.

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