Teacher Wang, Po-Chi was interviewed by [Taiwan New Vision]: Anti-fraud 2.0! People are having a good year? The detection rate of fraud is low! The source of looters? What should the national team do?

➊ Light sentence! No criminal record! Are minors being used as drivers?
➋ Is the driver the victim? Is the person hiding behind the scenes standing abroad to plunder?
➌ Fake investment accounts for 40%! There are hundreds of styles to choose from! Are you all aiming for the same style?
➍ Cryptocurrency money laundering is more closely investigated! The key is to integrate human resources?
➎ The authenticity of advertisements can be distinguished! Fraud has become an ecosystem? Real-name prevention?
👤Invite guests:
SHIH,MING-CHIN (retired police officer)
TSAI,CHING-CHUAN (practicing lawyer)
Wang, Po-Chi (Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justic , Ming Chuan University)
WANG,CHAO-PIN (senior social reporter)

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